
Directions of Cefalexin Granules

¡¾Drug name¡¿
Generic name:¡¡Cefalexin Granules
English name: Cefalexin Granules
Chinese pronunciation spelling: Toubaoanbian Keli
¡¾Indications¡¿It's indicated to treat following infections caused by susceptible strains:
(1) Respiratory infection such as acute pharyngitis, nasosinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, bronchitis and pneumonia (2) Genitourinary infection (3) Skin soft tissue infection
(4) Orally, not suitable for serious infected.
¡¾Dosage and Administration¡¿ Orally. For adults, 0.25g ¨C0.5g every 6 hrs, Maximum dose is 4g per day. For Children, 25-50mg / kg per dosage, every 6 hours; Patients with renal impairment should reduce dosage according to condition of renal. Patients with Cystitis, Skin soft tissue infection or streptococcus pharyngitis take 500mg every 12 hours
¡¾Supply¡¿125mg (Calculated on the C16H17N3O4S)
¡¾Storage¡¿Keep away from bright light. Tightly sealed
¡¾Package¡¿12 bags/ box, 10bags/box .
¡¾Validity¡¿two years
¡¾Approval¡¿Guo Yao Zhun Zi H12020795